Thursday, July 22, 2010

Temporary but Torrential Rains

Yesterday three of my friends and I decided that we wanted to do some last minute shopping at the shopping area surrounding the Confucius Temple in the late afternoon. We took a taxi there and everything was great until out of nowhere it starting storming. Not just raining, or pouring, but storming. There was thunder, lightening, and the rain was endlessly coming down. Only one of us had our umbrellas so we were all drenched by the time we got back to the dorms. Within maybe an hour every street was no longer a street, but a river in knee-deep water. Our taxi driver dropped us off maybe 50 ft. from the entrance to our dorm but it took us another good 10 minutes to actually get to the entrance. The rain water wasn't just water, but a mix of feces, dirt and who knows what else... definitely slightly traumatizing to have to walk through. Afterwards I showered with my clothes on because they were so drenched and dirty it reallydidn't make a difference.... That was by far one of the most insane and hilarious experiences so far on our trip.
.... oh ,and of course one hour later the rain had completely stopped and there was almost NO trace of the overflowing gutters, broken pipes or large river/streets that were everywhere only an hour before...
These pictures are from about 20 minutes after we were out there, the rain had already stopped by then

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