Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nanjing Massacre Museum & Purple Mountain

On tuesday we went to the Nanjing Massacre Museum which was very disturbing and upsetting. The museum had tons of evidence of the Massacre, both visual and physical. We couldn't take pictures inside of the museum but at the entrance and exit there were many symbolic statues and monuments regarding the Massacre. The massacre was committed by the Japanese whenthey invaded China and Nanjing was still the capital city. 300,000 were killed in Nanjing, innocent civilians and those who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. My favorite part of the museum was the peace monument near the exit (below).

Purple Mountain was our last culture class trip on Wednesday, and we visited a Buddhist
temple at the base of Purple Mountain. Aside from a few Monks, the temple was basically deserted
which was a little creepy but there was also some construction going on so that could have been the
reason. There was also a mass amount of mosquitoes so maybe they've scared the tourists and locals away... The temple itself was very beautifully with deep reds and golds and huge statues of Buddha
and the other figures worshipped. Behind the temple there was a trail up into the base of Purple
Mountain that had worship caves and alters(such as the one below).

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