Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bye Bye Beijing

Our second and last day in Beijing was a super long one! We started off at the Great Wall which was beautiful and challenging. Basically a StairMaster for as long as you choose. I climbed the wall with my friend Dara, and we made it close to the top but because of time restraints we had to head back down before we made it all the way. We got extremely lucky with the weather because we had clear skies and could actually see the other sections of the Wall and the surrounding mountains that were unbelievably green. These two chinese ladies asked to take a picture with me when Dara and I decided to take one of our many brakesalong the hike. The second picture is a view from one spot on the Great Wall.
After our adventures at the Great Wall we went to the Summer Palace which was built by an ancient Chinese princess for the Royal family to live in during the summer. A huge manmade lake and several manmade mountains are part of the Palace. We took a boat across the lake to the Palace temple.
Lastly we went to a chinese acrobat show which was really cool!


  1. The Great Wall looks amazing, how far up is it? How long does it take to get to the top and what is the gain? I love you so much!

  2. the gain?
    it took us about an hr. to get almost to the top, so maybe an hr. and a half with stops (its impossible not to take breaks!!)

  3. Gain is like when you start at 500 feet and go up to 1500 feet you measure the steepness of the ascent- that's how you tell how difficult a hike is....
    it looks intense! xx
